Not every company needs an annual financial statement audit. Often times, companies are requested to have a review or compilation performed instead. These less invasive assurance services are often performed at the request of creditors, vendors, financial institutions or other business partners. Whether it’s the first review/compilation conducted or its part of the yearly routine, we’re here to help. Our team has years of experience conducting both compilations and reviews in accordance with AICPA and other regulatory standards. The end result is a report that satisfies the needs of the requesting party.
A review evaluates your company financial statements using inquires, analytical procedures, and other testing procedures. The scope of a review is much less than that of an audit, but will still provide a moderate level of assurance that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements.
A compilation involves compiling financial data from company records and framing it using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) in the form of financial statements. As no level of assurance is given with a compilation, We do not express any opinion about the accuracy or validity of the financial information being presented.